A big thank you to Paul first for making it possible for me to spend a weekend in Dubuque, IA with my friends scrapbooking at our annual Cabin Fever retreat. I met the girls in Dubuque last Friday night, and returned home Sunday afternoon. This is an annual retreat that I have been going to for three years now, it is full of talking, eating, oh yeah and scrapbooking. It is hosted by a Creative Memories consultant that one of my friends knows. It is so much fun, and I did not know if I would be able to attend this year so I was very excited when it all worked out. Paul and Emily spent the weekend together (I don't know if Emily was totally thrilled about being away from me and having to take a bottle), with some help from my parents. I had so much fun, but missed them both. It is nice to be back home after much needed girl time!
Emily is 5 months old now, I don't know where the time has gone! She is getting so big, and doing new things every day. This is a really fun age.
Emily can roll over from tummy to back, and when on her back she can get up onto her sides but no back to tummy rolling yet. She does it consistently now and rolls over pretty quick after being put on her tummy, she never really liked tummy time :) Emily will sit very well with support and will sit by herself well for about 30-60 seconds before falling over. She has learned to scream! And she loves that she can be that loud, some afternoons all she does is scream and scream...She loves to spit and sputter and has found her feet as well. Everything goes into her mouth these days including her toes! She is playing with toys more and more and will transfer them from hand to hand and up to her mouth. She is getting really good at manging her pacifier (still one of her favorite things) she will take it out and play with it and put it back in her mouth.
She just started to sleep at night without being swaddled, but still in her sleep chair. She will sleep for 3-4 hrs. in a stretch. I try every few nights to put her in her pack n play, but she does not want anything to do with it. I hope after her room is all ready and her crib is up, she will like it enough to sleep in it :) We still need the swing some nights, otherwise nobody would be sleeping.
Emily gets excited when she sees certain things during the day, sometimes I have no idea what she found so entertaining and I just wish I could know what she was thinking. She really likes the cats these days as well. We have two cats, one shy and timid cat and one outgoing, loud, obnoxious cat. I was worried about how they would adjust to her but they are doing great. We just started letting them be around her and our outgoing cat has no problem with her. He will let her pull his fur, whiskers, ears, and tail. He just comes back for more and more Emily "love". The other cat will tolerate her but as soon as she starts loving him too much he is gone...She is still very well supervised when around the cats, because they are cats and I will never fully trust them.
Here are some recent pictures to share.
Well I am unable to post pictures at this time, usually I am able to just insert an image and it is not letting me. I will make a call to my sister who as most of you know is much better about blogging than I am and see what I need to do....