Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just Pictures

Sitting up all by herself, and happy about being able to do so!
 Sitting and sputtering :)
 Yes another bath picture!  Emily LOVES bath time, and Paul got out a rubber ducky for the first time last weekend and she thought that was great fun to have a toy in the bath :) 
 You have to be fast to get a Tummy time picture these days, she rolls over as soon as she can to get off her tummy. 
 Mid scream, it is so fun to sit up and even more fun to sit up and scream at the same time!  I know you would not believe me if I told you she had been a very very unhappy baby for a few hours about 5 min prior to this picture...
 FEET!!  Emily has found a new "toy"  She loves to be naked and play with her feet and suck on her toes...most evenings she is fussy and last night she was very fussy, I got her undressed and layed her on the bed and this was the result.  Instant happy baby!

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