Monday, January 24, 2011

Our Project

As some of you know Paul and I have been doing some remodeling in our home.  This project was much needed, so though it may seem like I am complaining, I am very grateful for the remodel and very very very grateful for those of you who helped make it happen (Mom, Dad, Brandon). 

Almost exactly one year ago, Paul and I found out we were expecting our first child.  Now we needed make a safe place for baby in our home.  A little background for those who have never seen our house.  Nobody really knows how old our home is, records do not date back that far.  The first recording of homes (in our area) started in 1900, so that is the date on our homes legal documents.  We have been told that the original part of our home dates back the the 1860's, needless to say many changes have been made to the home over the years, but its last face lift was in the 70's.  Our home still has a huge lump of coal in the basement, from an old heating system.  I think its cool, so it will remain part of the house.  And when we were tearing out plaster and some wood work it was all done with square nails!  But back to the remodel, after talking about what needed to be done to have a safe environment for baby, 11 months ago (almost to the day) Paul started in on the project while I was away at a scrapbooking retreat with some friends.  To make a long story short after realizing what was all involved in remodeling a really old house and all the surprises that are found along the way our project got scaled back and we hired some help. 

Today while Emily took a nap (a way too short nap) I continued to paint.  We spent all last weekend painting and now I have almost all the roller painting done, some small area remains and then we just have to go back and get all the edges, corners, around doors/windows, and small spaces with a brush...that's the time consuming tedious work that I am not a fan of.  But it's so nice to have the end in sight of a very long project.  This Friday we are having the flooring installed, so our goal is to have all the painting done by then.  We just have to finish up the walls and then paint the trim in the bed rooms, entry, and bathroom.  After all is done, we will have new electrical in the entire area, drywall in Emily's room (plaster was all removed), sound barrier and drywall on all ceilings (over existing plaster), new trim, new flooring, new front door, new light fixtures, and all new bathroom fixtures. 

I am looking forward to the day that it is all done, and we can sit back and relax for a short period until we clean it all up (yay no more construction dust all over) and get it all set up and decorated.  I will have to admit I was hoping things would have moved along more quickly - mainly because you cant paint when you are pregnant :) 

Other news, Emily is now 4 months old!  I can not believe how quickly time has gone.  I have really tired to enjoy every second with her knowing that little ones grow up way to fast.  Emily had a good check up, she is now 11 lbs. 9 oz. (12%) and 24 inches long (just over 50%), she is growing well.  She did not like her vaccines though!  She had a little fever for about a day but was so fussy and just not herself for 1-2 days and decided sleep was totally optional those days and she just wanted mommy snuggle time.  I have decided that though I miss sleep and will welcome it back with open arms one day, i need to cherish every moment of snuggle time because it will come to and end at some point!  At 4 months Emily is talking more and more every day, and has started to make some more coo sounds, and squeal and laugh more.  She has not rolled over any more except the one day almost a month ago.  She sits pretty well with some support, she is reaching and grasping toys and holding onto them better and starting to shake a rattle.  She still loves bath time, books, her pacifier, and to be swaddled.  She has not really gained anymore "skills" since about a month ago, just getting better at her existing skills.  She has been going through a growth spurt, or something, for the last 2-3 weeks.  She has been waking to eat an extra 1-2 times at night and eating every 1-2 hours during the day.  It will be nice to have some extra time to get things done, but I am glad that I am at home the majority of the time to give her what she needs. 

I have started to schedule my first clients for my photography business, I am very excited to be starting this new adventure.  I still have lots to learn, but feel that I am ready to get started and will continue to learn along the way.  My first client was suppose to be this past weekend but due to a sick child they had to re schedule, so my first client is now this Thursday morning! 

I wanted to post some recent pictures, but my camera is in the other room and I'm writing this blog with a sleeping child in my arms so I am not going to get up and fetch it.  I will post some pictures later. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well I started this post about a week ago, I am sorry it has taken so long to finish up and publish.
Many of you already know, but I wanted to post an update about little Emily.  All her tests that were done as a follow up after her recent UTI came back normal!!  I feel so very blessed!  On the 29th (of Dec.) we took Emily to Mercy Hospital here in town and she had a renal ultrasound done to look at her kidneys and bladder and make sure everything was formed normal.  She then had a VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram) to look for urine refluxing out of the bladder up to the kidneys.  Everything was normal.  Emily did a great job, she was such a big girl and cooperated for the doctor.  He was able to get a good look at everything, and was very impressed by her!  The most difficult part of the day was when I was told I could not accompany Emily during the VCUG, only one parent could be in the room and they recommended Paul go back with her.  It was VERY hard to be waiting in the hall not knowing what was going on and I could hear her crying.  Paul said that she was a trooper for the test and did not mind it at all, she was crying after it was over because they were not letting her sit up right away (Emily thinks she is bigger than she really is sometimes).  So for now we do not know what caused the UTI, and just have to hope it was a fluke and she does not get another one.  After talking to her pediatrician she said we would just have to wait and see, if Emily did for some reason get another UTI she would most likely start Emily on a daily antibiotic to prevent any other infections (the treatment for urinary reflux) to be one the safe side and then repeat the test in a year.  Usually the reflux is something kids out grow at some point anyways.  She also said that if a child has the reflux it is something that is always present, so it would have shown up on the VCUG.  I felt much better after talking to her.  I am sure this is something we can put past us, it bothers me that I don't know what caused the infection, but I am glad that everything is normal and working as it should.  Afterall the most important thing is that Emily is healthy and her kidneys are working as they should. 

On a brighter note we had a wonderful holiday season filled with lots of family.  Some family got to meet Emily for the first time.  We really enjoyed seeing everyone and catching up with family we have not seen in some time.  Emily was an excellent traveler.  It was very nice to celebrate Emily's first Christmas! 

Emily celebrated her three month birthday recently as well.  At three months she is talking all the time.  I love to listen to her talk.  When I am running errands she will just sit in the back and talk to herself, it is such a sweet sound.    She just laughed for the first time a few days ago.  You really have to work to get a laugh from her still, but I'm sure they will become more frequent.  Emily rolled from tummy to back for the first time yesterday.  She did it about 6 times in a row!  She is starting to play with toys alot too, she will reach out and grasp onto toys and everything goes to the mouth.  She has a few crinkle toys, stuffed animals/dolls, and some rattles that are her favorite.  She still is a fan of her swing - though we need it less and less to keep us happy.  She still must be swaddled tight at night.  I need to get a video of her coming out of the swaddle in the morning it is so cute how she throws her arms up in the air after they are free.  She sill loves bath time, music, books, and pacifiers (if no paci then she will use her fingers). 

We are loving every second of being parents, and I can't believe it has been three months already.  Emily is our little princess and she is figuring that out already :)  She finds ways to get all the attention back on her if someone dares to direct attention away from her.  It is amazing watching her little personality develop.  Oh I love her :)

Fun in the hotel pool :) 

Some pictures from the last few weeks. 

First time in the snow, we had about 8inches that fell on Christmas Eve.  This was taken the day after Christmas.  Emily made her first snow angel with some help from her Daddy :)

Some more pictures from the hospital