Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big attitude, little girl

I have been meaning to share some of the true colors of Emily for some time now, but it never seemed to fit with any other post.  So I will devote a whole post to it :) 

Oh where do I begin...Let me start by saying how much I LOVE my little girl.  I would not want to change anything and I really do look forward to seeing how this personality of hers develops. 

I do not know how to describe Emily best, but she is a stubborn, strong willed, attention seeking, little princess. 

She chooses not to sleep during the day (unless she is being held) and just recently started sleeping for about 4 hours at night.  To fall asleep at night she has to hold my hand.  She refuses to sleep in any sort of bed and sleeps in a little sleep chair/bassinet next to our bed.  During the day I have tried to nurse her to sleep, use the swing, and many many other things.  But she just will not sleep.  Today I put her in the swing, gave her her paci, and let her hold onto me.  I would slip my hand out and get half way across the room before she would start to scream.  And this is no try and let her cry it out crying...it is full blown screaming with huge tears and trouble catching her breath.  She goes from happy to pout lip to this scream, we have no escalation from fussy to crying to screaming in this house.  Her only indication is the lip and then you have about 20 seconds to make her world right or you are in for it. 

Emily will fake cough to get your attention, that pretty much sums it all up.  This started when she was about 2 months old (maybe a bit younger).  If you are holding her (if she allows that) and you are not looking right at her or talking to her she starts to fake cough to get your attention.  When this works she smiles at you and coos.  She loves to get her way.  She is still VERY picky with who can hold her and for how long.  She will be just fine with someone and then that lip comes out at random times.  Once back with Mommy she is fine. 

If you take something away from her, she lets out a little yell.  She does this same sound when the cats walk away from her or my parents dog is not within reach.  She will also do this sound when I take a little too long to get ready for her to nurse.  She will take a few big gulps to wet her mouth and then pull away look right at me and do a yell/grunt sound just so that I know she is not pleased with the service she is getting. 

I have been holding her while she has been sleeping for about 30 min.  She woke half way through this and I put her in her jumperoo (she LOVES it) but she just now started to "cough" at me...I look every time what if she really was having trouble, and each time she smiles at me and puts her arms up to be picked up... I do after the third time since I can see the lip...she is now happy, throwing everything off my desk...the jumperoo is still "singing" and she looks over at it often, I know she is missing the fun but she will not admit it...

Remember this is a spunky little 12lb almost 6 mo old girl...

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a little personality! You have done a great job learning her :)
